You’ve probably heard that peak performance in sports isn’t just the result of hard training. Elite athletes and successful individuals understand their potential, strive to push their limits further, and tirelessly work on their mindset to stay on course. I’ve experienced firsthand how these crucial principles of success shape all areas of life. In 2001, I reached the world´s top 10 in sprint kayaking with the awareness that our inner attitude alone can change reality and give our lives a new direction.
Despite my successes, after ending my sports career, I experienced a profound low point where I suddenly didn’t know how my life would continue. I was at the end and ready to give up.
Despite my successes, after ending my sports career, I experienced a profound low point where I suddenly didn’t know how my life would continue. I was at the end and ready to give up. Only in hindsight did I realize that this pivotal experience was also a turning point, marking the beginning of a more conscious life beyond sports. At that point, I not only began to gain inner clarity and overcome my fears but also discovered my life purpose and potential. As an international speaker and consciousness coach, I’ve helped over 10,000 people to date expand their awareness and connect with their full potential.

My mission is to help ambitious women in leadership positions gain profound self-confidence, master challenges and negative emotions calmly, and be persuasive without compromising their personal values. I can’t simply stand by and watch these remarkable women struggle daily with doubt, overwhelm, or lack of recognition and appreciation, despite their dedication to success and desire to grow — often without the support they need.
What I have found in my work as a coach is the enormous importance of self-confidence. Many women feel insecure in their leadership roles and doubt their abilities, even though they are excellent. Unfortunately, this often leads to undermining their own leadership position. Unresolved self-doubt becomes an increasingly heavy burden. Strengthened self-confidence, on the other hand, can move mountains by helping to overcome these insecurities and present oneself more confidently.
Another important aspect is dealing with emotions. Often, women in leadership face the challenge of controlling their emotions in stressful situations and reacting appropriately.
The topic of recognition also plays a major role. Many women feel they are not sufficiently appreciated for their achievements and successes.
My work with clients aims to address these challenges and find ways to build self-confidence and handle difficult situations and challenges calmly.
These changes have positive impacts not only on their professional lives but also on their personal well-being. They are less influenced by worries and self-doubt and begin to express their greatness as leaders.

Lukas bridges the gap between motivation, consciousness, and physical, emotional, and mental performance. He addresses the area many never venture into: consciousness. Even the best strategies account for only about 5% of success and fulfillment in life. As a speaker, he is described as humorous, energetic, clear, and authentic, inspiring his audience through his captivating and heartfelt manner to leave their comfort zone and unlock their full potential with the right steps. Bookings at: hello@lukastobler.com
Elite Athlete
From 1992 to 2004, I celebrated many international sporting successes and learned to emerge stronger from defeats.
In 2001, I achieved my international breakthrough in the two-man kayak. We were number 1 in Switzerland and among the best in the world.
MORE THAN 10,000
To date, I have had the privilege of helping over 10,000 people overcome their limits and achieve greater awareness, confidence, success, and fulfillment.
Four published books and four E-books on overcoming limits, realizing potential, and the power of emotions.